Mobinck: Frequently Asked Questions

On this page you will find FAQs about our company, services, and products. If your questions haven’t been answered on this page, please feel free to contact us.

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What exactly does Mobinck do?

Mobinck is an international expert in corporate mobility and specializes in the sale of software for fleet management and smart parking. We are also a comprehensive consultancy service provider in the field of mobility management.

Where does the name Mobinck come from?

The name "Mobinck" [ˈmoːbɪŋk] is a combination of the words "mobility" and "AutoBinck", the name of our Dutch parent company.

What products or services do you offer?

Mobinck's extensive range includes software-as-a-service solutions for fleet management and smart parking. We also offer services for employee mobility, data collection tools for reports in line with the obligations of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), interim management and consulting. These mobility offerings include, for example, the electrification of fleets or the optimization of fleet, travel and employee mobility in order to establish comprehensive mobility management.

What is the difference between the fleet management software Muto and XPOfleet?

Muto is a holistic mobility solution for companies covering all relevant forms of employee mobility and is particularly suitable as a fleet management solution for smaller companies. XPOfleet is a leading software solution for fleet and mobility management in larger companies, which is ideal for managing large fleets with more than 200 vehicles.

Does Mobinck offer a mobility budget?

No, Mobinck itself doesn’t offer a mobility budget. The XXImo card is merely a payment option that is not currently sold directly. You can find more information about XXImo here.

What exactly is the Mobinck mobility scan?

The Mobinck mobility scan is part of Mobinck's strategic approach, allowing a company’s commuting mobility to be analyzed to gain in-depth insights into the current state of corporate mobility. This analysis method forms the starting point for developing a tailor-made mobility program and creating incentives for employees to actively change their mobility behavior.

Are you a software manufacturer?

Mobinck itself is not a software manufacturer, but acts as a reseller in the DACH region offering the SaaS products XPOfleet, Muto, Toogether Parking, and Toogethr Cycle on an exclusive basis.

What value add do I get from purchasing the software through you and not directly from the software manufacturer?

By purchasing the software through Mobinck, customers gain access to an integrated approach to corporate mobility that provides comprehensive support and customized solutions tailored to specific business objectives and mobility requirements.

How long has Mobinck been around?

Mobinck is a division of the AutoBinck Group, which has been active in the mobility sector since 1907. Mobinck itself boasts over 20 years of experience in designing and establishing mobility solutions and transportation concepts in the Netherlands and has also been active in Germany since the end of 2021.

Who are your customers?

Mobinck's customers include large, medium-sized and small organizations.

Who is your target group?

Mobinck is primarily aimed at SMEs and large companies that want to modernize their mobility policy and make it more efficient.

What services does Mobinck offer?

Mobinck offers a wide range of services in the field of corporate mobility, particularly in the area of fleet management and smart parking solutions.

Does Mobinck also do fleet management?

Yes! Through its subsidiaries XPO Fleet and Muto, Mobinck offers professional fleet management for companies of various sizes that want to manage their fleet themselves. Classic outsourcing services in the fleet sector are not currently offered.

What expertise does Mobinck have?

Mobinck brings extensive experience in providing mobility solutions and services, underpinned by technological innovation and a profound understanding of the needs of modern corporate mobility.

Are there any reference customers?

We are happy to provide you with insights into reference projects that are relevant to you as part of our discussions.

What hardware is needed for smart parking solutions?

Smart parking solutions from Toogethr require a complete parking system consisting of barriers, sensors, and camera systems. All the necessary components can be obtained from Toogethr to ensure optimal functionality and integration.

Can existing hardware be used for your smart parking solutions or do I also have to purchase new barriers, etc. from yourselves?

Yes! It is possible to use existing hardware. Toogethr offers flexible solutions that can either work with existing hardware or integrate new hardware, depending on the customer's specific requirements and available infrastructure.

What requirements are necessary for introducing smart parking solutions?

Implementing Toogethr's smart parking solution requires an initial analysis of the existing parking infrastructure and possibly the installation of hardware components such as sensors or cameras. Another important aspect is integration with the company's existing IT systems to ensure seamless functionality.

Implementing Toogethr's smart parking solution requires an initial analIs it possible to reserve parking spaces via the smart parking solutions?

Yes! Toogethr's smart parking solutions allow employees to reserve parking spaces in advance, resulting in more efficient use of parking resources and giving employees peace of mind that a space will be available when they arrive.

What growth rate can be expected in terms of parking space usage?

Using smart parking solutions can significantly enhance parking space utilization. Customers report improved capacity and reduced periods of empty spaces thanks to the ability to manage and reserve parking spaces more efficiently. Vacant parking spaces can also be sublet to third parties to generate additional income.

Is it possible to create an API interface and integrate the smart parking solution into another system?

Yes! Toogethr offers the option of integrating the smart parking solutions into other systems via an API interface. This enables better customization to specific customer needs and seamless integration into existing corporate IT landscapes.

What does Toogethr's smart parking solution look like?

Toogethr's smart parking solution includes a user-friendly app that allows employees to reserve parking spaces and view availability in real time. The solution also includes tools for managing and analyzing parking space usage to further maximize efficiency.

Have you got questions about sustainable mobility concepts? We have the answers!

Do you need more information about Toogethr Cycles or sustainable mobility concepts, or would you like to get in touch with us? Our team of experts looks forward to helping you!