Corporate mobility can be simple, sustainable, and cost-effective.

Mobinck is a proven expert in transforming your corporate mobility. We will develop a program for you and provide the right solutions that allow you to optimize your mobility for the future.

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Tailor-made solutions for the
mobility of tomorrow

Mobinck stands for the development of innovative, dynamic mobility programs tailored precisely to the requirements of your company. We help you to reduce costs, achieve your sustainability goals, and boost employee satisfaction. How do we do this? Mobinck boasts an international team of experienced experts and provides you with a mobility ecosystem that is unique in the industry. Our range of solutions encompasses all relevant aspects allowing us to develop your company in a future-proof manner – all from a single source.

Fleet Management Software

Simplify the management of your vehicles by bidding farewell to Excel spreadsheets. With the right software solution, you can automate processes and minimize the effort and costs involved in fleet management. The easy-to-use application quickly gives you full control over your entire corporate mobility, ensuring greater efficiency and less stress.

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Enterprise Mobility Consulting

Whether you want to optimize your fleet management, introduce innovative mobility cards, or streamline your employees' commuting, you can rely on our comprehensive expertise in corporate mobility. We always have the right solution for you at hand. Holistic, sustainable, and tailored to the needs of your employees.

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Smart Parking Solutions

In our mobile society, parking space is becoming increasingly scarce. Our smart parking solutions perfectly adapt to your company's existing capacities. Advance reservations and an intuitively operated system make parking a seamless experience for visitors and employees alike.

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Sustainable Corporate Mobility

Promoting sustainable mobility that complies with current CSRD reporting requirements has many benefits: less time spent in traffic, lower CO2 emissions, and no stress when looking for parking. In return, you improve your image as a sustainable company and promote employee health by encouraging greater use of bicycles. We support you along the way.


These companies rely on Mobinck solutions to implement a future-proof mobility strategy.

The Mobinck Way: Four Steps Towards the Future

What makes Mobinck so special as an expert in corporate mobility? Our four-stage integrated approach, which allows us to find the right solution today for every company to meet the needs of tomorrow.

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In the first step, we identify the current status of your corporate mobility with a comprehensive analysis. This creates a common, transparent foundation for all further measures.



In the second step, we create a customized mobility program for you. In addition to the current status analysis, this will also include your corporate goals. It is your roadmap for future-proof corporate mobility.



The third step is the rollout of your mobility program. We make sure that everyone involved supports each other so that the best possible result is achieved in the end.

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Reporting & Analytics

In the fourth step, we provide you with a solution tailored to your company so that you retain full control over your mobility program in the future. This will make your corporate mobility future-proof.

Exclusive white paper on the mobility management of tomorrow: efficient, sustainable, and flexible

New technologies, a desire for greater sustainability, and increasing urbanization are transforming our mobility. In our white paper, we show you how companies are designing efficient, sustainable, and flexible mobility solutions – and what the mobility of tomorrow could look like.


Mobinck: Expertise for Corporate Mobility

We are an international team backed by proven expertise in the field of corporate mobility. Mobinck is supported by the six mobility ventures XXImo, Moove, XPO Fleet, Fleet Support, Toogethr, and Safe Drive Pod.

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Do you have questions about mobility? We have the answers!

Do you need information about parking space or fleet management, require general advice on corporate mobility, or want to become more sustainable? Our team of experts looks forward to helping you!